Therapist Profile

Please contact the therapist using the contact information provided below to discuss and arrange an initial consultation.

Lorna Cordwell 3

Practice Area:

Practice Address:

Disabled Access: No



Website: http://

Home visits: No

Qualifications/Memberships: ADHP(NC) BSc(Hons) MRes HPD UKCP MBPsS FHS Approved UKCP Supervisor


Specialities: fear of flying, phobias, panic, anxiety, depression, pain management, hypno-analysis, cancer care, CBT, counselling


Offers Supervision: Yes


NRHP Number: 03-1221

NRHP Category: Full

NRHP Year Joined: 2003

Therapists are asked to list up to five specialisations – e.g., treating anxiety, depression, phobias, hypnotic gastric band therapy, & childbirth. However, in view of the many areas in which hypno-psychotherapy can help, these are not definitive, and some therapists prefer not to list any, so as not to limit themselves.

Some therapists are willing to take NHS funded referrals from GPs. However, you will need the prior agreement of your GP for such an arrangement.

Please click here for a list explaining the letters under ‘Qualifications’, which may also include memberships of other organisations.