Therapist Profile

Please contact the therapist using the contact information provided below to discuss and arrange an initial consultation.

Lulu Appleton 1

Practice Area: London

Practice Address: Harley Street Hypnotherapy Clinic, No 1, Harley Street, London, W1G 9QD

Disabled Access: Yes

Telephone: 07836 334556



Home visits: No

Qualifications/Memberships: CHP(NC) NRHP(Assoc 2)


Specialities: weight loss, anxiety, panic attacks, giving up smoking, confidence, work/life balance

Bio: I trained with the National College of Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy and qualified in1997 and have now been in practice for over twenty years. I treat a wide range of issues and specialise in weight loss, anxiety and panic and building confidence as well as helping to minimise nervousness for exams and tests, or public speaking. I also see people in couples or singly, who want support to improve their relationship. Very little happens in isolation and most of these issues are linked because they inevitably share the same emotional drives that lie within the unconscious mind. Reaching the unconscious through hypnotherapy enables you to disconnect unwanted thoughts, feelings and behaviours that are no longer relevant to your life today. Often, releasing this emotional debris sorts out other concerns at the same time when you make fundamental changes. Hypnotherapy empowers you to get the most out of each day and enjoy a happier, much better life. I was interviewed by Lydia Slater of the Daily Mail who had hypnotherapy for weight loss sessions with me. You can read the article on the Daily Mail website: I am co-author of MIND MEDICINE with Uri Geller, which was published in October 1999 and the subject of a Foyles lunch. I have also written many articles across a range of subjects including psychology, health, environmental issues and lifestyle for the Guardian, Daily Telegraph, The Times, Daily Mail, Majesty and Hello Magazine.

Offers Supervision: No


NRHP Number: 07-1373

NRHP Category: Assoc 2

NRHP Year Joined: 2007

Therapists are asked to list up to five specialisations – e.g., treating anxiety, depression, phobias, hypnotic gastric band therapy, & childbirth. However, in view of the many areas in which hypno-psychotherapy can help, these are not definitive, and some therapists prefer not to list any, so as not to limit themselves.

Some therapists are willing to take NHS funded referrals from GPs. However, you will need the prior agreement of your GP for such an arrangement.

Please click here for a list explaining the letters under ‘Qualifications’, which may also include memberships of other organisations.